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Hearts For Snow People Campaign
Hearts For Snow People Campaign

Hearts For Snow People Winter Campaign

This Campaign ran from December 2021, through January 2022. The Campaigns' purpose was to help spread good feelings and love throughout the holiday season. Many of us have had a tough time throughout 2021. The holidays are often considered a time of joy, but for some people, the holidays are often a time of great angst.

Visiting family members can be challenging, or the lack of family can be lonely. The skies are dark with the winter solstice, and the temperatures are cold for everyone, especially those without homes.

I brought hearts, art, and Hershey chocolate kisses to The Interfaith Sanctuary on Christmas eve. I posted art and hearts made out of natural red leaves and felt hearts on telephone poles near parks in the north end of Boise "Guerrilla Art." Hearts For Snow People cards were mailed out. The "Hearts For Snow People" image was shared on my social media platforms.

I honestly believe even if the efforts of this campaign uplift only one person, the work was worth it. Daily small acts of kindness make a difference in our world that is struggling at times to feel love.